Pre-Press Proofing
Here is some useful information to review before submitting your artwork. Please email your artwork to [email protected].
[email protected]
- Artwork will be sized proportionately to fit in a 1" diameter space.
- Tip: In a size this small - sometimes less is more. Simpler designs usually turn out better.
- Vector artwork (Illustrator or InDesign, versions CS5, CS6 or CC) is highly recommended.
- Save files as .ai, .indd, .eps, or as an open (editable Illustrator) PDF.
- Avoid using raster art (photos, .jpg, etc.) unless it is completely necessary for your cap design.
- Any raster art should be 300dpi or higher at 100% size, and should be layered; not compressed or flattened.
- If you have any questions at all please feel free to call or email us!
- Any solid color matches that are critical should be specified in the art or accompanying notes using the Pantone (PMS) system.
- Some Pantone colors are different when reproduced in CMYK.
- It is best to refer to the Pantone -Colorbridge- or Four-Color Process book when specifying colors.
Questions? Ready to Order?
1-800-806-7491 [email protected]